Saturday, June 23, 2018

Just a cat

Why does this hurt so much? You were just a kitty.

True, you were the most charming little creature ever, making up for your lack of smarts with a personality that was always open to love, both giving and receiving. You would purr madly if someone simply looked at you, and really turn up the volume when you were directly addressed by name. "Hello, Sally!" would launch you into a blissful fit of tail-twitching, purring, and loving, wide-eyed looks. You about exploded when you saw a brush, and would purr so hard you chirped. I will always miss hearing your fan belt slip.

And no, you never did figure out how to meow, though you could scream if put in the shower. You tried and tried, and never mastered the art of the meow. That mouth would open, a barely-audible grunt would come out, but no meow. Seeing that pink mouth silently open wide always made me laugh. Except when it made me cry, during your last ride to the vet.

You weren't the brightest kitty around. We would joke that it took you two days to notice when we were gone on trips. Yet you dictated the play rules of the house: when, where, with whom, and for how long. You gave Harry a slap-down after you had finally had enough of him trying to hump you (despite him being more than twice your size), and you controlled him ever after. Later, when the decrepit adoptee Pandora tried to push you around, you didn't give an inch. You did this with class, by simply holding your ground and refusing to budge. She misses you, you know. She is currently wandering the house, meowing for attention (completely unlike her).

When you fell in love with Meerkat Manor, I fell even more in love with you. Watching you watch the meerkats was supremely entertaining. Realizing that you didn't like to watch repeat episodes was a mind-blower.

No amount of change or chaos fazed you. You just went with the flow, never freaked out, and stuck close by. We thoroughly enjoyed taking you and Harry on our 2400-mile road trip. While Harry lived in one lap or another, you found the perfect spot between us to curl up and snooze, and accept offerings of love. We never had to worry about you bolting when we got in and out of the car. You trusted us to keep you safe.

I know we teased you about your girth, but you were the cutest road kill ever, and we loved rubbing your ample belly. When that belly evaporated, it broke our hearts, for that meant things were very, very wrong. I prefer to remember you in your tubby glory.

You have left a far bigger hole than I anticipated, my little Goober kitty. You were my Peanut, The Goob, my wide-eyed cat that always looked a bit surprised, and very kitten-like. I will miss sliding my legs under your slumbering (and heavy) body, while you slept so deeply you didn't budge. While losing you is horrible, I know you are far more comfortable now. I'm so glad that your ashes are joining Harry's over an apple orchard in Yakima. Run free and happy, and without pain, my precious little friend.