Thursday, February 25, 2010

Trainer beatings week of Feb 23

Both workouts use the Kinesis wall for a few things. What's a Kinesis wall? Go here to find out.

Thursday: Fun with ankle weights. Wear 5 lb ankle weights for entire workout.
  • squat 5x, swivel to side lunge and dip 5x, back to center 5x, other side 5x, center, side, other side, center
  • hopscotch through ladder to end, come back with lateral jump two forward, one back. Repeat.
  • knee high jog to end of room
  • cable standing chest press 15x
  • plank with feet on shorter stool, rock forward and back on toes 50x

  • stand facing Kinesis wall, grab cable that sticks out along floor, step back while pulling cable back to lateral pull. 15x each side
--- repeat all ---

Tuesday: Lots and lots of sweat
  • suicide drill, 3x. [Sprint to first point, touch ground, turn around and come back, run to next point (further away), touch ground, turn around and come back, run to farthest point, touch ground, turn around and come back.]
  • facing Kinesis wall, squat then stand up while doing flye, 20x
  • step-up, bicep curl to shoulder press, step-down, 20x on 1' stool
  • facing away from Kinesis wall, step-out to reverse flye, 1 minute
  • plank with feet on step, step feet down and back up while in plank, 1 minute
  • pistol -- wall sits with exercise ball, 3sec in sitting position, 19x, sit 10sec on 20th time.
Repeat all, then...
  • standing tri rope extension, facing away from machine, 20x

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Today's beating

I knew when I saw the evil twinkle in my trainer's eye this morning that it was going to be a tough 30 minutes.
  • Suicide drill, 3x
  • Kinesis wall, squat to flye, 20x
  • Step-up, bicep curl to shoulder press, step-down, 20x on 1' stool
  • Kinesis wall, step-out to reverse flye, 1 minute
  • Plank with feet on step, step feet down and back up while in plank, 1 minute
  • Pistol -- wall sits, 3sec in sitting position, 19x, sit 10sec on 20th.
--- repeat all ---
  • tri rope extension, facing away from machine, 20x

Monday, February 22, 2010

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I suggest coffee first

This morning's workout. If I hadn't already had coffee, this would have shoved me into being awake pretty quickly.
  • lunge to knee raise, 20x each side
  • ladder on floor:
    • pop squats
    • jumping jack back (legs only)
    • pop squats
  • tri dips, 20x
  • plank slide to hurdles
  • hop over hurdles
  • pushups, 20x
  • bicep curls with resistance band, 20x

Repeat as many times as possible. Did 4x in 30 min.

Update on my personal Honored Hero

Dismayed to learn that Jim's chemo only hit some of the tumors. Others are still there, and there's two new spots on his scan. He's beginning the especially toxic phase of chemo now, and looks like he's going to be very sick for the next few months. Discouraging.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Still sore from the PREVIOUS workout

Thursday a.m. training...try to ignore the soreness in the right extender from the LAST beat-up session. Today's 30-minutes of torture included:
  • Squat with medicine ball (one with handles) in one hand, do shoulder press as you stand up. 20x each side
  • Jump up and down on Reebok bench (on high step setting) 25x
  • Chest flyes on pec-dec 15x
  • Bicep 21s (10 each second time)
  • Pullups 15x
  • Ham curls on ball 20x
  • While still on floor from ham curls, do tri extensions with barbell 15x
Repeat all.

Thoroughly enjoyed the TNT group swim after work. Mix of drills, distance, and speed. Felt great and we all had a good time.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A good endurance workout

Here is another gem from my sadistic trainer. This workout really hits the quads and hip extenders, adductors, and abductors. Because all of it is done in 30 minutes, there is no time for rest. My legs/hips were toast.
  • incline pushups on Reebok bench 20x
  • plank raise one leg 30s then other leg 30s
  • incline pushups on bench 20x
  • plank side leg raises 30s each side
  • mountain climber 1 minute
  • burpee to frog hop to end of room and back.
Repeat all.

Snowstorm didn't stop TNT group swim

We had our first group swim Saturday, and the snow didn't keep people away. About 25 people showed up, and we got to know each other a little better. Each of us swam a length while the two coaches watched and took notes, then we learned some new drills. Looks like everyone knows how to swim at least a little -- sometimes there are people who are starting from scratch. Was surprised to find out that between the two tri teams (Elkhart and Steelhead) there are 49 participants. That's an impressive number! After our workout, I detoured through Holliday Park to admire the snowfall, and it was gorgeous! Between the fresh sticky snow in the trees and the bright blue sky, it was a beautiful day.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Carrie's killer gimp workout

I'm currently sidelined from running/jumping for at least another couple of weeks, but that hasn't mattered much to my trainer. She continues to come up with sadistic workouts. This one was a prime example of her capacity to torture. I hope I remember this one correctly. It was quite traumatizing.


Wear 5lb ankle weights for entire workout.
  • pop squats 45 seconds
  • alt lunge to crane 15x each side

  • pushups 20x
  • centipede: stand up-bend over-walk hands out to pushup. down to end of room and back
  • crab walk down room and back (sit on floor, push up on hands and feet, and go)

  • plank drag feet behind to end of room and back
  • bear walk down to end of room (hands on floor in front of you)
  • frog-hop back

First Team Meeting with Team in Training

We had our first team meeting last night, and it looks like a great group of people.There were at least two cancer survivors, and several parents of sick kids. One of our coaches (Dea) is the mother of one of our honored heroes, Lauryn. When "victims" feel compelled to raise money for an organization as a thank you, that says a lot. I'm really looking forward to getting to know these folks.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Team in Training

I've done it again, and signed up for an event with Team in Training. The Indiana chapter has really got it together and offers an awful lot, both to participants and leukemia patients, so I decided to bite the bullet and do the begging again.

Please go to the link below and do what you can. And of course, please feel free to distribute far and wide!

The event this year is a 70.3 (half-iron) in Michigan, in late July. Ironically enough, it's where several of us used to drive regularly to play in the symphony. This will be a slightly different perspective (ha!). Am also training for an earlier 70.3 in late April, down in Galveston. All of this is part of the grand plan to do a full Iron on my 50th birthday next year.

As always, my sincerest thanks for your help!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Disconnect from reality?

There's something disturbing about the pairing of photo/headline here...